Friday, February 20, 2009


We've been moving into the 1100 sq ft house at WHR this week. It's a tight squeeze, but we're making it work. Though we were living just a half a block from the beach in Shell Beach, our hearts were here. We couldn't move out here initially for 1031 exchange tax reasons, but after trying to rent the place in late fall, our tax guy gave us the go-ahead to move in after the new year with no tax penalty. So we decided to go for it. Our second move in 6 months.

We began last weekend, and should finish up tomorrow. Then we've got to clean up Shell Beach before handing back the keys Thursday. We'll post some pictures of the squeeze a bit later.

It's been good to sleep here since Monday night . . . It will be good to not be stretched between two places like we have been since August.

1 comment:

  1. Hey all you wild haired people!!! Heading out today, and just wanted to tell you how much we love y'all! Looking forward to keeping up with all that's going on, on the WHR. May the Lord bless you and keep you - you're such a favored family...


    Coby Jackson & family
